
The musical world has accepted A440 Hz as the standard pitch for musical instruments. The Structure of the Piano is designed to withhold the 150-200 pounds of tension that is put on each string when tuned to A440 Hz. Fluctuations in weather and humidity can severely affect the pitch and tuning of the piano. It is important to keep your piano tuned and at pitch to maintain the best sound and assure the structure stays solid  The longer a Piano goes without tuning the more likely it is there will be problems getting it to pitch (broken strings, cracks in the soundboard or structure etc.) It is recommended to have your piano tuned four times in the first year and twice a year after that.



There are thousands of working parts inside the piano. Each part is integral in assuring proper execution from pushing the key to hearing the sound. All components must be regulated well or problems can occur.

Examples of Problems are:

- Key won't depress

- No sound is heard (hammer is not striking string)

- Keys are slow, sluggish, heavy to the touch or uneven from note to note

- Piano is rattling, sounds metallic, squeaks or makes noise inside

- Difficult to play soft or repeat notes quickly

- Pedals do not work

- Notes continue to ring after key has been let go

A well regulated Piano will sound better and perform better, allowing for a more enjoyable playing experience. Recommended maintenance is once a year.


Voicing a Piano is important to give the piano its best possible sound. As time goes by the Hammers can become worn and the felt can become very hard. This can leave the Piano sounding very dull and lacking power, or it can leave it very bright and almost piercing. Things can be done to the hammers to improve the quality of the sound. Keeping the piano well regulated is a big help to the voicing process. Re-shaping and manipulating the hammers can be done to help the quality of sound, and if necessary installing a new set of hammers can give the piano its life back.

Other Services Include: Cleaning, Repairs to broken parts and Re-stringing.

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