
Growing up Playing on my Grandfathers Piano I developed love of a well tuned piano. Watching the Piano tuner as he worked on our piano was fascinating although I never really understood what he was doing. I went on to finish a Bachelor of Fine Arts from York University in Toronto all the while meeting and working with pianos and musicians. I then attended the Piano Technology program at the university of Western Ontario, where my real love for working on Pianos began.

I was awarded an internship in Los Angeles at the Colburn School of Performing Arts. I spent a year working on many world class Concert Grand Pianos and working with world recognized Pianists and Musicians. It was here that I really developed a love of working with the pianist to achieve something we were both satisfied with and I could be proud of. Giving the artist an opportunity to express themselves without having to worry about any mechanical failure from the piano became a passion of mine.

I love working with any musician or piano owner in achieving the best sound and performance from their instrument. What continues to drive me is that no piano is ever perfect. There is always more to achieve and I look forward to the challenge!

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